2. Valentine's day
3. Spending Valentine's day alone
4. Spending Valentine's day alone stalking Mr. Ex on Facebook and finding a picture
of him snuggling with his new girlfriend who looks like the offspring of a Real Housewife of Orange County who mated with Skeltor. Waaaaa!!!
5. Spending Valentine's day WITH A COLD (snotty nose and a cough), alone, and stalking ex boyfriends on Facebook
6. Working like a crazy fool, weekends included without a pay raise
7. Getting an assistant to help with my massive work load (positive) but having to train her on how to help me (SUCKS!)
8. My step grandma died...she was a really cool lady
9. Contemplating life and death and worrying I am wasting mine away. Alone.
10. Next month I turn 31. How the hell can that be happening? I need to pay better attention
11. Not being able to sit in my comfy chair on my balcony and smoke 27 cigarettes after work while bitching on the phone to my best friend about how much Feb sucks. I have to sit inside and bitch because it is so fucking cold - not as fun
12. Working like a crazy fool while my bosses are off on tropical islands somewhere...yes, I am allowed to be jealous
13. Dirty cars, dirty dog, dirty house. It really shouldn't snow in Dallas. Didn't I move from MN to get away from this shit?
14. Getting really tired of wearing pants and tights to work...I want to wear summer skirts already! Come on sunshine!
15. Missing yoga for 2 weeks because of work and sickness = gaining weight and worrying about bikinis that I so want to wear soon
13 more days left if I can survive this awful month.
Pic taken end Feb of 09 - this gives me hope but I still hate February: