I walked into yoga last night and immediately started to cry. The instructor was talking to some students and I could see their lips moving and hear their voices but I couldn’t make out their specific words. My head was spinning and I was so sad. I was remembering a week ago when I walked into class, felt so smug with the confidence in my newly discovered love. I WAS THE LUCKY ONE. Now I just feel embarrassed and ashamed. This is the first real time being around people since the breakup and I felt lonely. I spend my days alone in my office and my nights home snuggling with my animals. The four walls sheltering me, trapping me, comforting me 24 hours a day. Hiding from the world.

So I cried before class, during class, after class. When the instructor put his hand on my back and said he was glad I came, I my heart just shattered. I needed a hug. Needed to feel some sort of human contact to remember that I am alive…that I too deserve love. In the confines of that glass enclosed room where I have begun to grow, I felt love. And that gives me faith that everything is going to be ok.
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