I picked him up during my lunch break and when we got home I was so curious to see if he would do his naked elevator dance. My elevator is REALLY loud. It beeps (honks & vibrates really) at each floor as you ride it up and down. Basil and I take this ride at least 6 times a day. He is very familiar with it. I wonder why he thinks we have to go in a big metal box for 45 seconds every time he needs to pee. It’s confusing, even to me.

Anyway, after he gets shaved he does this dance where he spins around super fast and looks at his rear end every time the elevator beeps. EEEEEEEEE! Spin. EEEEEEEEE! Spin. EEEEEEEEE! Spin.

I smile after each twirl. Why does he look at his butt? It is the noise? The vibration? Something that I can’t see, hear or feel but he can sense? More so when he isn’t covered in fur? Whatever the reason, it makes my heart fill with love for him. My silly little Shih Tzu.
Side note: Not a good plan to wear tights and have a newly manicured dog sit on my lap while driving home.
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